Wednesday 30 September 2009

Missing something? re edit [Full Version]

This is my version of our short media movie that goes towards the moderators. i was not happy with the original version with cheesy acting and bad cuts. so i decided to make my own in my own time deleting the audio and replacing it with a soundtrack. i decided to slow down a lot of the clips to create tension and suspense and it also goes really well with the music, i also sped up a few clips to give a sense of speed. i used a lot of fade in and outs to give it a smooth transition to the next, it also goes very well with the soundtrack because its a tense bit of music.

i used a few dissolve jump shots. which i thought worked well because it sped up the movement and kept tension flowing. i used an effect called ''defocus'' on some parts of the movie. like when I'm running down the corridor. i used it to give it as much movie look alike as possible. to improve this project. i would of synced the last clip with the music a bit better. and i would of made the last few clips interlink with each other more smoothly.

my main aim when making this was to create suspense for the audience, and by watching it a few times i think i have succeeded.

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