Thursday 1 October 2009

Fame Official Trailer.

The editing starts off with lots of cuts showing several different students. this works in conjunction with the voice over at that time. after the cuts the music kicks in the an establishing shot of the city. the shot of the city is used to get the audience to know where they are situated. we know this is an establishing shot because you can see the whole city and not just one builiding, although one building would be enough to create an establishing shot. this shot sets of the movie.

throughout the video their are 12 text clips. all the same colour and all have the same cross over effect. the text was meant to look like disco lights or something of that genre. this creates knowledge because the text looks like what you would expect in dance/musicals. i know this creates a sense of knowledge because as soon as i saw the text i recognised the genre of the trailer.

The trailer uses 3 soundtracks and all fit in the with sync of the editing. i know this because when a certain part of the song is playing there will be a clip of someone doing some dance moves to that song. also indicating that the 3 songs that are used in the trailer will be used in the film.

The main transition used is an overlap/dissolve. i think this is used because it shows just one location throughout the video and it also shows the relationship between each character and the similarities that each have towards eachother connoting that they each have talent. however a few flashes are present to create slight tension and suspense to keep the audience watching throughout. there are also a lot of fade outs and fade ins dennoting emotions. fade in a fade outs show emotions because they slowly introduce of get rid of a clip. fades can be both happy and sad.

the clips are very small. by this i mean they are not on the screen for long. the longest is probably 4 seconds long. but it includes dialogue. i think the editor has done this because he wanted it to flow with the music and wanted it to keep to an up beat tempo. i know this because again, the music is in beat with the video clips. and the music is often fast, hense a fast edit.

the editor has not only successfully created an up beat tempo but has also included comedy within the trailer, making it more appealing to an audience. trailer often use the best parts of the movie but avoid spoiling the main plot. cuts are often use to create an up beat edit that creates suspense and excitement however this is not the case with this trailer, this trailer uses a lot of dissolves and still creates the same mood as others.

1 comment:

  1. Jamie you have identified the editing techniques well and have started to think about their affect. However you need much more analysis to show you understand how they have created meaning. The dissolves show the relationship between all the different characters signifying to the audience that they are all interlinked with each other in some way...the fade to blacks add a dramatic impact adding excitement and tension...consider why those techniques have been chosen, rather than just identifying them. Put the new PEE structure to the test next time you analyse to make your work read better. Your comments about an upbeat tempo are what you need to write more of.
