Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Gothika Trailer [2003]

The trailer of the film 'Gothika' has alot of tension and suspense to let the audience know what genre the film is. the genre of the film is horror/thriller. the trailer creates suspense and tension by the editing and the voice overs within the trailer. the trailer uses alot of screeming and is very dark throughout. tension and suspense is also created through the soundtrack which is an eary and intimidating sound because the music creates the image of anything can happen in the time the music is being played. we know this creates tension because it keeps the audience guessing what is going to happen, this is also theatre of the mind.

The music througout is very eary, the music picks up in tension to the end of the trailer the end the trailer with a scary image of Halle berry getting smothered by something or someone. Thus creating tension aswell as suspense.

Theatre of the mind is when the audience is left guessing what is going to happen. during the trailer. the main character approches a girl giving the image that they are going to have a conversation, then there is suddenly a screem and you see the girl holding Halle berries face with both hands. then the clip fades out leaving the audience guessing what has happened. shortly after this Halle berry wakes up in what seems to be a dark flickering room, giving the impression that she has been kindnapped, until the next few clips reveal she is imprisoned.

Realism and normality are included within this because anyone can be in prison. supernatural elements are present but they are not that supernatural, anyone can be a killer. this also is a red herring. because at the beggining of the trailer halle berry is interviewing a young girl who states "How can you trust someone who think your crazy?" this sends the audience thinking that the girl is crazy and cannot be trusted. later on in the trailer Halle berry ends up going crazy and says to the inspector "How can you trust someone who thinks you are crazy" this is unexpected to the audience creating a sense of a twist in the story.

another convention that is big in this thriller is slow paced movements. from the beggining to about 1:07 into the trailer is very slow paced, so the audience can soak in all the important imformation that the audience need to soak in to understand the plot of the story so far. the slow paced created a mood. this mood is a calm one but it also leaves an image in your head that the story will have a tiwst, because of the music that is used.

cheap surpises are throughout this thriller trailer because during the trailer there is a car crash. after the car crash your see halle berry saying "are you okay?" this is a cheap suprise because you would think you would see halle berry in a hospital getting treated for her injuries. this gives the audience the impression that because she never went to hospital something else will end up happening to her.

The ending of the trailer is also an enigma because you see halle berry getting taken away yet again. this throws the audience off of point. because you think she has already been taken but is taken YET again.

You can tell that this is a thriller film because of the conventions that have been covered.

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